The Secret EBook Writing Tool I Found by Accident

Lori Ballen
5 min readSep 14, 2022

Do this to create an ebook quickly.

a pretty woman is reading over the ebook she wrote
Photo Created with Jasper Art

Few things in life are as satisfying as finding something that is both a great tool and a secret simultaneously. That’s how I felt when I accidentally discovered a fantastic ebook writing tool that has made my writing process smoother and faster. In this post, I’ll share the tool and how it helped me write better ebooks quickly.

7 Leads Yesterday

Seven people visited my website yesterday and registered to receive one of my ebooks, such as my “how to blog guide.” While seven may not seem like a lot, it adds up quickly.

Example of an ebook offer

Once they receive their ebook, they receive my drip email campaign that offers tutorials, weekly blog updates, and favorite tool links.

I make the offers with Optinmonster, which works well with my WordPress website. Optinmonster allows me to choose which offers to go on which pages.

I can use pop-up offers, slide-in, hello bars, open-on-click, and so forth. I can choose when the offer appears based on the time on the website, scroll-depth, or exit intent.

For example, I might use an exit-intent pop-up with a single CTA button that says “Download” in big, orange letters. The background is a lightbox with my book cover image. Whenever someone visits my website, they see the ebook offer if they download it, great! If not, that’s fine too.

Photo: by Owner with Jasper Art

But here’s the thing: I didn’t always have this level of control or engagement with my website visitors. A few months ago, I was still using the old-fashioned method of creating an ebook, which was time-consuming and often resulted in low-quality products.

I can say that the process of creating an ebook was often very tedious and frustrating. I would start with a general idea, research, write a rough draft, edit it, format it, create a cover, and promote it.

The whole process would take weeks, if not months, and I often wasn’t happy with the final product. It felt like a lot of work for something that might never be read by anyone other than me.

So when I discovered this AI writing software, a tool that streamlines the ebook writing process, I was ecstatic. Not only does it save me time, but it also produces a higher-quality product.

The AI Tool

I’ll cut to the chase and share that the tool I’m talking about is called Jasper. I can’t remember where I first heard about it, but I’m glad I did. Jasper is an AI writing tool that streamlines content creation.

I didn’t subscribe based on ebook writing because that was an accidental discovery after using the tool for a few months.

But now that I’ve found it, I can’t imagine writing an ebook any other way.

A quick overview of how Jasper works

You start by inputting some basic information about what you want to write. This could be anything from a couple of sentences to a full outline. Then, you simply let Jasper do its thing.

The tool will analyze your input and generate a first draft for you based on that information. That might sound like a recipe for disaster, but it’s quite impressive.

To create an ebook, I started a new document, just as I would for a blog post or article. I used the blog intro paragraph to create a compelling intro and gave Jasper the first headline (H2).

From there, Jasper began to write and add headlines as it went. I simply had to keep giving it more information and correcting any errors along the way.

For example, if Jasper created a short paragraph, and I wanted more text, I would add words such as “for example,” “in other words,” or “Here’s one way to do it.”

It’s important to note that Jasper is not a replacement for a human writer. The tool is meant to be a writing assistant, not a replacement.

That being said, I have found that Jasper has saved me an incredible amount of time in my ebook writing process.

After completing the ebook (which takes me as little as 30-minutes), I copy it into a word document, add my links, and print it to PDF.

Sample ebook cover you can make with Canva.

If I want to get fancy, I use my Canva Pro account to create an ebook cover, biography page, etc.

Truth be known, I usually just start with the PDF and then get fancy once I know an ebook offer is successful.

Sample Bio Page You Can Make with Canva Ebook Templates

How I Deliver my Ebook

Optinmonster collects the lead info through a form. Then, I use the integration option to connect Optinmonster to my email autoresponder, in this case: Mailerlite.

Sample of the email that goes out through mailerlite to deliver the PDF.

When someone inputs their information and clicks “Download,” they are added to my email list and receive the ebook as a PDF attachment through Mailerlite.

Then, based on my tag settings, Mailerlite will send the appropriate drip email campaign I set up in the account.

Ebooks and Email Still Work in 2022

Some people have said that email is dead. Others have protested using ebooks as a lead magnet because “everyone already knows everything.”

I’m not sure who “everyone” is, but I know that I’m still learning new things every day and that most people are in the same boat.

The fact is that email and ebooks are still incredibly effective ways to grow an email list in 2022.

If you’re considering creating an ebook, I encourage you to try Jasper. It will save you time and help you create a higher-quality product. My link gets you 10,000 credits to try for free.

What do you think? Have you tried Jasper or another AI writing tool? Let me know in the comments below.



Lori Ballen

Lori's passion for blogging and commitment to empowering others is evident in her comprehensive, easy-to-follow articles.