My Exact Formula For Creating Long-Form Content

Lori Ballen
8 min readMay 5, 2022

Using an AI Writing Tool to Assist

Photo by Xu Haiwei on Unsplash

If you haven’t read my work before, let me introduce myself. My name is Lori Ballen, and I’m a full-time content creator. I write articles designed to rank on google, create tutorial Youtube videos, host webinars, and build courses.

While I live in marketing, my passion is teaching. If I can’t teach what I learn, it has little value in my world, even if it makes money.

I’ve been blogging since AOL said “You’ve Got Mail”, and have built and sold several companies on the foundation of website traffic, leads, and sales that come from writing helpful content.

I hope you’ll enjoy this tutorial as much as I did creating it for you.

Using an AI Writing Assistant

Creating long-form content is no easy feat. But with the help of a little artificial intelligence, it can be done with relative ease. In this article, I’ll share my exact formula for creating long-form content using an AI writing assistant. So whether you’re looking to pump out more content or simply want to try something new, keep reading!

What is an AI Writing Assistant?

An AI Writing Assistant is software that helps you with your writing. It can correct your grammar, suggest better words, and help you organize your thoughts.

It can help you craft high-converting titles, compelling intro paragraphs, and article outlines that make sense. And it can even help you generate ideas for new content topics, as well as find reliable sources to cite in your work.

Some AI Writing Assistants are even able to write entire articles on their own, although personally, I wouldn’t suggest that approach.

While they are not yet perfect, they are a handy tool to have in your content creation toolkit. And with the right formula, you can use them to create high-quality, long-form content that resonates with your audience and drives traffic and conversions.

For my method, we’ll use Jasper.

Take a no-hassle trial of Jasper today using my affiliate link. We both benefit.

Why Use an AI Writing Assistant?

There are many reasons why you might want to use an AI Writing Assistant, but here are the three main ones:

1. To save time on your content creation

2. To improve the quality of your content

3. To generate more content ideas and sources

So if you’re looking to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of your content creation efforts, consider giving an AI Writing Assistant a try. You won’t regret it!

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into my exact formula for creating long-form content using an AI writing assistant.

My Long-form Content Formula

I use Power Mode by clicking on the 3rd Icon at the top of the editor. This will open the templates in a sidebar allowing you to work with your content and the templates without opening different tabs or windows.

Step 1: Create the title

Photo by Nazrin Babashova on Unsplash

Start by entering a simple title. It could be as simple as “How to Get Your Kids to Eat Vegetables. The title is only the spark to get your article going. In a few steps forward, we will have our AI assistant improve the title.

Step 2: Create an Intro Paragraph

Using the [Blog Post Intro Paragraph] template, add the title you created in step one. You can enter your target audience, or leave that blank. If you like, you can add a tone of voice. The tone of voice can be an adjective or a person.

Here’s a video that explains how to use a tone of voice:

Next, select the number of outputs (ideas) you would like to see and click the ‘Generate AI Content’ button.

Here’s the intro paragraph I chose for this example.

Step 3: Use a Command to Create an Outline

Next, type this phrase under your intro paragraph

Write an Outline

Then, highlight the phrase and click return. This will remove the command: write an outline, and replace it with a list of ideas to use subheadings on your article. (Example of a list post)

Here’s an example of the subheadings the outline suggested in this case.

Copy the outline into your editor, and change each item to an H2. You’ll find this selection at the top of the editor. If you want more subheadings, simply type the next number into the numbered list and click compose.

You can also add in your own subheadings from your keyword research.

Step 4: Rewrite your Title

Now that you have an intro paragraph and headings, you can improve your title. In your intro paragraph, change the word some, in ‘some tips’ to the number matching your outline. In this case, it’s seven. I change the intro paragraph to say ‘in this post, we’ll share seven tips’.

Next, paste that paragraph into the product description. You can leave the company/product name blank. In the customer avatar, I’d use parents in this case. For the tone of voice, I’m using ‘helpful’, but you can play with various tones.

Explore the title ideas and select your favorite to retitle your article. Tip: Numbered lists do well, and odd numbers have been shown to get more clicks than even numbers.

Step 5: Generate your paragraphs

Open the paragraph generator template. Paste in the article subject, and then your first heading. Add a keyword if you like (sometimes this stuffs it in a bit artificially, so I usually pass), a tone of voice, and the number of desired outputs (samples). Then click ‘Generate AI Content’.

Select your favorite paragraph and add it to your editor.

Tip: The more you work with each paragraph, the more unique your content will be. At the end of the paragraph, add another sentence starter such as for example: and click compose.

Other sentence starters include:

  • This is important because
  • This is good for
  • This will improve
  • Top Tip
  • To learn more about this

Step 6: Create a closing paragraph

If you have worked through each paragraph individually using the paragraph generator, you most likely have 1200–1500 words by now. If you created more subheadings, it could easily be more.

The easiest way to create a closing paragraph is by putting your cursor on the next line after your last paragraph and a spaced row, typing the words in closing, and then clicking compose.

Jasper will summarize the blog in a simple, clean, closing paragraph. You can also use the blog post conclusion paragraph if that doesn’t satisfy your intent.

Step 7: Add a FAQ

If you are using Jasper to create a blog for your website, with the intent to rank on Google, it’s a good idea to include a frequently asked questions section at the bottom.

Type this command: FAQ, highlight it, and hit return. This will give you a list of questions to answer that are related to your blog post topic. If there are any questions that don’t make sense for your blog, simply delete them.

Sometimes, I use my favorite keyword tool that suggestions questions, or grab frequently asked questions from Google.

Tip: There is a wicked cool free chrome extension called SEOMinion that will allow you to pull all of the FAQs from the PAA (People Also Ask) box on Google and export them to a spreadsheet.

Step 8: Clean it up

In my experience, Jasper over-uses the phrase “It’s important too”. I do a quick ‘command F’ on my mac (control F on PC) to open the finder tool. Type in the word important. Then, delete the phrase “it is important to” and backspace so the sentence now starts with the verb that follows.

For example, if Jasper uses “It is important to focus on your goals” I would change it to “Focus on your goals.”

You also want to make sure that the paragraphs are in good order. In some cases, you may have a paragraph that works better at the beginning of your article than near the end. You can move paragraphs around cutting and pasting them in the right order.

I also use Grammarly (built into Jasper) to clean up spelling errors, suggest improvements, and check for plagiarism. While the AI tool is using learned language to create context rather than rewriting a specific article, using a plagiarism check is still a best practice.

Congratulations, you have just created your own unique and engaging blog post using the powerful Jasper platform. Whether you are looking to generate more traffic for your website, rank on Google, or simply share helpful information with your customers, Jasper is the perfect tool to get the job done.

Take a spin on Jasper with these free credits, and use my formula to see what you can create:

In closing, I would like to leave you with one final tip: always remember that the success of your blog relies on quality content, so take the time to expand on your paragraphs, use examples, include references, and make it unique.

And remember, the more you use Jasper, the better your posts will become over time. So keep writing and have fun with it! -ℒℬ

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Lori Ballen

Lori's passion for blogging and commitment to empowering others is evident in her comprehensive, easy-to-follow articles.